Heartstopper Review: A Tale Worth Beating For Again

When dealing with a book adaptation, there is always an expectation to be met from creators and an uphill battle to fight as their work becomes scrutinised and inevitably compared to the source material. While at the same time, they continue to try and create something that introduces these already established characters to a whole new market, a thing that is not always the easiest task.

Heartstopper executes this near flawlessly, and is not only a beautifully queer story that can’t not make you smile but will no doubt be viewed as one of the best page to screen adaptations in some time, with such strong characters and a clear love and dedication to never diminish where they came from.

This is a project that all involved should be gleefully proud of being a part of, feeling refreshingly new and although has some of the familiar markings we’d expect to see in such a love story, breaths new life to it in a way that offers a world of possibilities for the genre. 

Although it is difficult to pinpoint exactly how pinnacle Heartstopper will be for LGBTQIA+ storytelling, something special has been created with it and is paving the way for a whole world of stories that not only deserved to be told, but celebrated for all they encapsulate.

Secondary School Blues

Heartstopper is not a story for any type of exclusion, it offers the opportunity to talk about some very real topics but in the most loving way possible and is done with such care and admiration for the community.

However, what sets it apart from the (too few) coming of age gay stories that have come before it is how is how this amazing cast of characters captures life of a teenager with such rare realism that you can’t not relate to at least one of them through their roller coaster journey. 

The usual worries of everyday school life while trying to find your place in the world, accepting what makes you happy, even if it goes against the “norms” of others and accepting that a fresh start with new people is always possible.

But Heartstopper is all about being yourself, unashamedly. Learning to love who you are, what you like and what makes you happy, and the most important thing we can do is surround ourselves with people that make you feel okay about that. It oozes such love that I don’t think we can ever hear the word “Hi” and stop the uncontrollable grin that follows.



A Pair For The Ages

Jack and Rose, Edward and Vivian…Nick and Charlie. 

Kit Connor (Nick) and Joe Locke (Charlie) do an unbelievably remarkable job at cementing their two main characters as a staple of iconic partners. From the very first “Hi” to the last “Why are we like this” you are undeniably and uncontrollably in love with these two and each and every up and down they endure.

Supported by a stellar cast who only elevate these two love birds’ romance to bring you a story that is essential and has to be told time and time again. We have witnessed the birth of many young talented actors long and prosperous careers and we can’t wait to see what they go on to achieve next.


Heartstopper is a new kind of love story…one that feels genuine and real. Each and every scene has a sense of truth to them, elevating it to something more than anyone could have anticipated.

It is one of those rare lightning in the bottle moments where it doesn’t just bring the pages to the screen with utter success but brings the pages to life and will be remembered for the sheer joy it offers from watching.


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